Conscious Sexuality
An invitation to explore every aspect of your Sexuality
Do you feel there is more to your sexuality than you are experiencing? Would you like to move into a place of greater freedom, curiosity and choice?
Explore Conscious Sexuality
Update your Sex Education, look at what is missing, what no longer is needed
Look at how to feel more safe in sex, learn how to set stronger boundaries and how to be fully in consent
Discover your needs, learning how to communicate them and strengthening boundaries to protect them.
Create greater safety, connection and belonging in your relationships and in your awareness.
Heal and restore health to your body, free from emerging or existing conditions that limit you
Regulate your nervous system to a place of healthy regulation where your soul can land safely in your body.
Have intimate conversations that you have never had before
Embody confidence and personal power in your sexual expression
Areas I can help with:
It may be that there is core trauma to address well before any other therapeutic modalities can be approached. And we can do that.
What is Trauma?
An experience too much, too fast, too soon, with no opportunity to process. Also complex and developmental trauma where we live over a long period of feeling unsafe without our needs being met.
The nervous system will create states of flight, fight, freeze and fawn to survive. This limits our potential for growth, pleasure, safety, peace and general wellness.
You can’t think your way out of anxiety, disconnection and overwhelm, out of over giving and pleasing. Making space in the body for connection, safety and belonging, allows you to rest, digest, repair and trust in your natural blueprint again. Removing the imprints of trauma enables you to thrive.
“A trauma-informed practice is one that works with the limitations of your nervous system”
- Katrina Clark
My Conscious Sexuality offering is an invitation for you to undertake a programme of positive change, which has the potential to transform every area of your life. All is welcome.
Our work together can include the following:
Talk-based work/coaching
Somatic-based (mind-body/body-mind) work where we might do practices and exercises.
Touch-based work, which can include Sexological Bodywork (one-way touch from practitioner to client, for educational and therapeutic purposes). I work only with women when offering bodywork.
A combination of the above
We would decide together what work is right for you, and co-create it to your needs, in a flexible way.
Body Aware
Your emotional and physical wellbeing is paramount in my work and based in principles of embodied consent. This means that I support my clients to feel relaxed and aware of their bodies, to know what feels comfortable and learn to communicate and understand what the body is experiencing. Through out our life we are taught to go along with body based experiences we don’t want or need.
I support you to understand the function of your nervous system, and how bring pleasure during relaxation. As a somatic sex educator I teach you how to experience more pleasure in the body.