Coaching Approach
I work with people who want to feel more alive again.
Who want to feel connected back to who they were when they trusted themselves more, knew what to do, and how to just be themselves, without fear and self-doubt.
To do this, I work in different ways, all of which allow you to see what you enjoy and need the most.
I have learned from my clients over the years, and from what feels good for me, that this choice allows so much more freedom and ways for us to co-create sessions that feel comfortable and inspiring.
It could be that you want to have coaching sessions where you want time to talk.
It could be Reiki treatment or tarot consultation brings deep peace and guidance.
It could be a mix of all of this in one session or over a few, you see how you feel at the time and that’s where we begin. You get to chose what happens, and if you are not sure I will guide you always.
Together, we will work it out.
“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them ….”
Dr. Gabor Maté
What can you expect from our work together?
A confidential, safe place to land, to be yourself, to slowly recover and explore
The support, direction and care you have longed for.
Deep relaxation, contentment and transformation from guided meditation, renewed boundaries, rewiring of shame and empowered sense of self
A balanced nervous system that can help you respond to your inner and outer world in the way that nourishes you
Discover how to truly listen to your body and its needs, and how to live from this place.
This work is a great fit for you if;
You experience the same issue returning and feel numb or stuck with how it manifests in your life
You are tired of the same old patterns, stories and outcomes to relationships and situations
You want to think less and feel more
You just know you need to do something, but not sure what it is.
You need an ally, someone to walk with you and support you in becoming more of who you are